NFPTE-60th Federation Day Celebration at Chennai
on 27/11/2013
தோழர் சி.கே.மதிவாணன் தலைமையுரை
"முதல் முழக்கம்" ஆசிரியர் தோழர் ஏ.சோமசுந்தரம்
FNTO முன்னாள் பொதுச் செயலர் தோழர் கே..வள்ளிநாயகம்
End of
an harassment! 
At last the harassment finally is over.
The CGM, Chennai telephones finally closed the disciplinary proceedings against
comrade C.K. Mathivanan and the letter communicating the displeasure of CMD was
received by him on 25/11/2013. We Hope the necessary vigilance clearance will
be issued without any further delay so that Com. C.K.Mathivanan could get his
retirement benefit atleast by the end of this year. However, We extend our
sincere thanks to our National president Com. Isalm Ahamad who consistently took
up the case of victimization with the coporate office and helped to solve this
case without any punishment or monetary loss. We also thank Com. S. Mahalingam,
former CS, Tamil Nadu who acted as Defence Assistant in the disciplinary case
and helped Com. C.K. Mathivanan by his intelligent questions during the enquiry.
In the last we congratulate all those comrades who stood like rock behind Com.
C.K.Mathivanan during this difficult period and expressed sympathies, affection
to him. We proved once again that any number of false cases cannot shake the
leaders of NFTE. We will continue to fight against corruption, high handedness
and discrimination without fear. We will also serve the working people with
renewed energy and commitment.
Circle union, NFTE_BSNL Chennai telephones.
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